When you start at Wolfert Bilingual, there will be several mandatory and voluntary international trips. On this page, you will find an overview of the trips per year.
Language trip in year 2
In year 2, all students in the bilingual stream go on an unforgettable language trip to the English city of Bath. They stay with a host family. In the mornings they attend the ‘BEST in Bath‘ language school, where they have English lessons and work on various assignments. In the afternoons various excursions are organised for our students.
Exchange in year 3
In year 3, all students in the bilingual stream take part in an exchange programme with young people from another country. This is an amazing opportunity to acquire international knowledge and new experiences and to make the acquaintance of new cultures. The exchange programme for vwo-3 students is with students from Germany, and for havo-3 students with students from Italy.
Culture trip in vwo 4
In year 4 of vwo, our students visit Dublin, where they get not only an introduction to Irish culture, but also the opportunity to improve their English language skills further at a language school.
Vwo-4 students from Wolfert College take a cultural trip to Florence.
Trips to China
For small groups of students there are further opportunities for exchanges with students from Shanghai (China). Students of year 1 are given the opportunity to sign up for this exchange. The exchange will take place in year 2.
This exchange is additional and is therefore not included in the standard parental contribution for Wolfert Bilingual.
International internship
The aim of the international social internship is for Wolfert Bilingual students to make an active contribution to society through volunteer activities, while at the same time developing good citizenship and their own skills. This internship is a compulsory element of our curriculum and is included in the Programme of Testing and Achievement (PTA) (Programma van Toetsing en Afsluiting) for students from the bilingual havo-4 and vwo-5 streams. Wolfert Bilingual offers students the chance to choose from a large number of projects organised by the school in countries such as Macedonia, Bosnia, Romania, Gambia and Morocco. These choices are of course also open to Wolfert College students in havo-4 and vwo-5.
Wolfert Bilingual students undertake a range of activities to raise money for their internship. These include bake sales in the school breaks and during parents’ evenings, clothes collections and hosting benefit dinners. There is also the annual International Food Fair where local specialities are sold, along with homemade drinks and snacks. The proceeds from all these activities are used to buy equipment, materials, food, etc. for the various projects.