Wolfert Tweetalig
Bilingual education
Bilingual education means that you are being taught in Dutch and in English. You don’t have to be fluent in English to attend a bilingual school.
At Wolfert Bilingual, you will have lessons in biology, geography, drama, art & design, history, music, physical education, economics en mathematics in English.
Wolfert Bilingual has around 1050 students from Rotterdam and the greater area. Our school is the largest and most well-known bilingual havo and vwo school in the Netherlands. Do you have a havo or vwo-advice and are you looking for an international challenge? Wolfert Bilingual is the place to be!
As soon as you enter Wolfert Bilingual, it seems as if you are in a different country. Students speak English and in the Chinese classrooms, Chinese characters are written on the whiteboards. We often have students and teachers visiting from abroad.
During your time at Wolfert Tweetalig, you will also go abroad to discover new countries and cultures and to meet students.
News articles are only available in Dutch.
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Toetsweek (T)V5
Open lessen voor groep 8 leerlingen
- 23
SE2 (T)H5
Workshops Gigglemug V5, indeling volgt.
Shakespeare workshops Gigglemug Theatre TV5
Wiskunde Olympiade
Informatieavond voor ouders en leerlingen van groep 7 en 8
- 24
SE2 (T)V6
Workshops Gigglemug V5, indeling volgt.
PWS workshop 3 (T)Havo4
- 25
- 27
Eindexamenvoorstelling drama (T)H5
Teamraad (2)( ouderklankbordgroep)
- 30
Inhalen schoolexamens en toetsen bovenbouw (onder voorbehoud)
Foodfair Imas (T)V5 en (T)H4
- 31
Deadline voorlopige profielkeuze leerjaar 3
Einde tijdvak 1
Examenleerlingen Kunst excursie
Voorlopige profielkeuze TTO3
- 03
Start tijdvak2
Deadline cijfers in magister
Informatieavond Bath TTO-2
- 05
Inhaaldag SE2 en toetsweek 2
Ontwikkeldag, leerlingen lesvrij, tenzij toetsen moeten worden ingehaald
- 06
Inhaalmiddag TW 2 / SE2 Onderbouw & Bovenbouw (onder voorbehoud)
- 07
(T)H4/(T)V4 IFFR
Open dag
- 11
Soapbox Challenge
- 12
45 minuten rooster
- 13
- 17
30 minuten rooster
Studiemiddag, 30 min rooster tm 6e uur
Taal-en cultuurreis (T)V4
- 18
Taal-en cultuurreis (T)V4
PWS workshop 4 (T)Havo4
Flash Fiction Challenge TTO-1 en TTO-2
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Taal-en cultuurreis (T)V4
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Taal-en cultuurreis (T)V4
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Taal-en cultuurreis (T)V4